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    Ben Futcher 反思“非常积极”的 ELS 训练营

    作者:24直播网   发布时间:2024-06-21 11:37   阅读:  次

    Ben Futcher 反思“非常积极”的 ELS 训练营

    英格兰男子精英联赛球队主帅本·富彻相信他的球队在六月克罗地亚训练营中取得了良好的进步,取得了2-1 战胜瑞典和2-2 战平爱尔兰共和国的成绩。ELS 是英格兰队的下半场-20 岁组,这些成绩是对阵 21 岁以下组的对手,这是幼狮队的一大亮点。但富彻也强调,在球员国际职业生涯的这个阶段,他优先考虑发展而不是得分。他说:“对我们来说这是一个非常积极的训练营。“我们有很多新球员。有很多英格兰队首次亮相,很多精英联赛球队首次亮相,而且我们正在对阵 21 岁以下球队,因此两次积极的表现是值得自豪的。

    "We landed back on Wednesday and I'll enjoy a few days off before getting going again next week with player reviews and reports. With this squad we definitely take a broader look at things. We want to help players get to the Under-21s, where they have competitive qualifiers and tournaments, and then eventually to the seniors."If the Elite League Squad don't win every game it's not necessarily the be all and end all. What we want to do is mirror what those more senior teams are doing in terms of style of football. We conceded a late goal to Republic of Ireland and mistakes will happen but we'd rather they happened now than when they play the competitive matches down the line."The players know the importance of winning, of course, and we want both, but playing with that style is the most important thing for now. I think we achieved that in both games on this camp."That synergy between different age group teams and coaches is a crucial element of how the Elite League Squad operates.

    Futcher works alongside the likes of senior manager Gareth Southgate and Under-21 boss Lee Carsley at St Georges' Park and believes the consistency between the setups is a huge benefit to the players.He said: "The Elite Squad is an age group where we're close to the Under-21s but we're able to have a look at other players who are not quite in that group and have done well for their clubs."We try to mirror the Under-21s because in previous camps players have moved across to train with them at various stages during the week. Lee Carsley came out for our second game in Croatia this week, which is also a boost for the players. "We're closely linked and we have a club feel, which is great. Even if players are jumping around between age groups there is that consistency there and they know how each team will play."Futcher holds up Adam Wharton as an example of how the system can improve players.The Crystal Palace midfielder was selected for the Elite League Squad in March, moved up to the Under-21s during that camp, and is now a member of the senior squad in Germany for EURO 2024.

    Futcher says: "Adam benefitted from the close link between us and the Under-21s. It's something we've worked really hard to build and now we can use him as an example of the value of our squad. We give them opportunities to play in different environments, different countries, and then if the step up comes very quickly they're ready. Adam was with us in March, was excellent, has got other opportunities and everyone is delighted."We explained to the group in Croatia that they are close to the next level. Things in football move very quickly and they need to make sure they're ready. Our job is to help and support and give them an opportunity to showcase their talent."And as the age-group changes kick in over the summer, Futcher is ready to once again take on a broad selection of youngsters.He said: "It is a wide range of players we get. We've had a number of Under-19s with us in this summer camp, we've got some others who will still be eligible next season, which is great because it gives more players an opportunity to be involved."We also give an opportunity to players who might not have been in the system up to now who have developed late and are doing really well at club level. It is probably the age-group squad that changes the most because we look to select players at different stages."But if they're doing well we're always watching. Hopefully we can help give them a chance to play for their country."

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